
Pitch an Agent

$ 100
  • Spend 15 minutes directly pitching your book to a literary agent. This is an opportunity for you to get feedback on the pitch and for them to ask questions about the project or your background. Come prepared with the elevator pitch for your novel, as well as a description of who your intended audience is and why they would want to read this book.

Pitch an Editor

$ 100
  • You’ve worked hard on your manuscript and it’s ready to share with the world. Book a 15 minute session of uninterrupted time with a literary editor to critique and offer feedback on your next book. You’ll get to read for the editor and they will ask clarifying questions to make sure you are a good fit.
  • You can pitch in person or connect virtually by Zoom for a session.

Author Promotional Packages

Author Promotional deadline is April 15, 2023

CARICON Deluxe Promo

$ 75
  • Book Cover Promotion on on Facebook, Instagram
  • Author Card + Bio
  • Feature on our Facebook Page
  • Links Social Media
  • Link to Website

CARICON Ultimate Promo

$ 299
  • 1 Book Display Slot - a copy of your book will be displayed at the CARICON Expo and can be seen by booth visitors, including literary agents and publishing representatives who may be interested in buying your book’s rights or copies of your book.
  • 1/4 page ad in CARICON magazine- your ad will be featured in our free literary magazine for authors, publishing professionals, and conference attendees.
  • Book Cover Promotion on Facebook, Instagram
  • Author Card + Bio
  • Link to Website
  • Link to 2 Social Media pages
  • 2 Min. Virtual Video Reading
  • Feature on our Facebook Page
  • Feature on CARICON’s YouTube Channel

CARICON Signature Promo

$ 150
  • Book Cover Promotion on Facebook, Instagram
  • Author Card + Bio
  • ¼ pg Ad or Listing of Contact info in CARICON Magazine
  • Link to Website
  • Link to 2 Social Media pages
  • 2 Min. Virtual Video Reading
  • Feature on our Facebook Page
  • Feature on CARICON’s YouTube Channel